industry benchmarks
Benchmarking that brings color and context to your data
A number alone can’t paint a picture. It can’t compare you to competitors. Or show you if your results are off-the-charts good, or just so-so. Benchmarking is essential to knowing where you stand and making the right decisions. With the deepest, broadest healthcare performance data out there, we give you the full picture to help your organization thrive.
Less clutter, more clarity
See the full picture
One that tells you exactly how well you’re performing in the healthcare landscape. We’ll show you the scores that matter—including how you compare to the rest of the market.
Leave competitors in the dust
A number without context means nothing. Benchmarks give you the perspective you need to see how you compare to your competitors.
Reveal the people behind the percentages
People are your #1 concern. Their positive experiences power your success; we hand you the clear data insights that become foundations for positive change.
Be the first to see what’s coming
Our benchmark capabilities help you always keep an eye on trends, so you can stay ahead of changes as the industry evolves.
healthcare big data
Experience unparalleled data clarity
Our healthcare benchmarking data covers over 95% of the top 200 U.S. healthcare systems, and over 90% of teaching hospitals and acute care hospitals with 100 beds or more. We also work with 74% of health plans in the U.S., representing 98% of health plan members.

competitive insights
Contrast and compare—then out-compete
Our benchmarks show how your patient experience, member experience, employee engagement, and online reputation scores stack up to the market. Invaluable insights are essential to keeping your patients—and staying one step ahead of the curve.
effective reporting
Explore the Human Experience in your data
Our full-scale data reporting connects you with the real people behind your data. You get a full picture of what they want, what they worry about, and where you need to improve to give them the experience they deserve. So you never lose a brilliant employee, miss out on a new patient, or forfeit a new member again.

Your biggest challenges meet our best solutions
Healthcare big data

Data visualizations

problems we solve
Patient experience

your role
Experience leader

industry benchmarks
Ready for data that delivers answers?
Get in touch and discover how benchmarking can turn your numbers into action.