Home Events How Johns Hopkins supports caregiver resilience with the RISE peer support program

A multi-ethnic group of nursing students are attending class together. They are seated at a long table in a classroom. The individuals are working in pairs on a project. The two women seated closest to the camera are being assisted by their female professor who is showing them something on a digital tablet.


How Johns Hopkins supports caregiver resilience with the RISE peer support program

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, 1:00 – 2:00PM ET

About this webinar

Press Ganey’s recent research shows an upward trend in engagement and resilience for the first time since the pandemic. Many health care professionals suffer as “second victims” after experiencing traumatic events at work, such as unexpected death, a medical error, or an unplanned transfer to the ICU, highlighting the importance of developing and implementing programs that support caregivers and reduce burnout.

Join Cheryl Connors from Johns Hopkins Resilience in Stressful Events (R.I.S.E.) team and Anna Koerbel from Maryland Patient Safety Center as they discuss the importance of peer support and how the R.I.S.E. peer support program can be used to build resilience and psychological safety of caregivers.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • The importance of an organizational peer support program in creating a resilient and engaged workplace
  • How Johns Hopkins Medicine developed and evolved the R.I.S.E. peer support program
  • The necessary features for a successful peer support program
  • Real world examples of the organizations recommending programmatic peer support for healthcare


Cheryl Connors, D.N.P., R.N., N.E.A.-B.C., Program Director of Organizational Resilience, Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality

Anna Koerbel, Director of Business Development and Marketing, Maryland Patient Safety Center